Visions for the Future
Values for a Lifetime
*Write a complete sentence with proper punctuation.
*Use capitalization rules.
*Write a story with a beginning, middle, and end.
*Write a story retelling or summarizing.
*Write a story with a problem and solution.
*Write a friendly letter.
*Write a personal narrative.
*Spelling lists coordinate with skills being taught in the reading program. The students will practice weekly word lists and be able to spell and use these words in sentences.
*The program includes weekly spelling lessons, phonics, daily language practice, grammar instruction, and a written expression component.
The students will be able to:
*Read with understanding.
*Decode unfamiliar words.
*Know long and short vowel sounds, consonant clusters and digraphs, and vowel combinations.
*Recognize and use story vocabulary and high frequency words.
*Identify story parts (beginning, middle, end)
*Locate specific information in readings.
Social Studies
*My Community and Other Communities
*Urban, Suburban, and rural Communities
*Geography & Natural Resources
*Economic Systems