"Excited to be in 4th Grade" due tomorrow (Wed.) Neat, complete, and colored. Math RED pages 9 - 12, for Mod. 1, Lesson 2 (Use homework helper pages.) Reading Log. Read for 30 min. Do Reading Log and write reader's response on lines. You may use your Reader's Response section in spiral notebook, if you need additional space. Parent signature, please. Vocabulary sheet Do one Spelling Tic Tac Toe (TTT) in notebook. See sheet. Bring in a towel for outside snack (by Wed.) & a chapter book to be kept on your desk (by Thurs.) REMINDER: BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT FOR GRADE 4 IS TOMORROW NIGHT (WED.) AT 6 PM Parents first meet in the gym. Then head to my room 109. SEE YOU THEN!