Ms. Gilroy's 2nd Grade Class

  • Week of February 10th, 2025

    Monday, February 10th

    Math- pgs. 143-146 red math book

    Spelling- Write all words 3 times each
    Social Studies- Re-read pgs. 86-87

    Tuesday, February 11th

    Math- pgs. 147-150 red math book
    Spelling- Write all words in abc order
    Social Studies- Re-read pgs. 88-89

    Wednesday, February 12th

    Math- pgs. 151-154 red math book

    Spelling- Write 5 sentences
    Social Studies- Re-read pgs. 90-91

    Thursday, February 13th
    Math-pgs. 155-158 red math book
    Spelling- Study for test
    Reading- Re-read Wild Weather

  • Spelling Words

    1. Hens

    2. Eggs
    3. Ducks
    4. Bikes
    5. Boxes
    6. Wishes
    7. Dresses
    8. Names
    9. Bells
    10. Stamps
    11. Dishes
    12. Grapes
    13. Too
    14. Two
    15. Tail
    16. Tale
    17. Stitches
    18. Fences

  • February News

    Friday, February 14th 
    11:15 Dismissal

    Tests and Quizzes
    Thursday, February 13th- Social Studies Chapter 3 Lesson 3 Quiz
    Friday, February 14th
    ffffSpelling Test
    Reading Test

      If your child is absent, please call the school nurse at 631-665-5873 between 7:45-8:30.  Your child must have an absent note when he or she returns to school.

  • Specials Schedule

    Monday- Gym

    Tuesday- TECH/FL

    Wednesday- Music

    Thursday- Art

    Friday- Computers