Our Physical Education Program is not only geared toward athletic prowess and knowledge of particular sports, but encourages a sense of fair play, teamwork, and cooperative effort. Apart from our normal physical education curriculum, activities include an intramural program with 100% participation (sports should be fun!), the President's Challenge Physical Fitness Test, the basketball sharp shooter contests, and our annual Sports Day held each June.
Our Art Program has been developed to stimulate the creative side of each child. School classrooms and hallways are a gallery for student's creative efforts. The lower level grades use varied media such as watercolors, sculptures, origami, acrylics, drawing and collage work. The upper grades art curriculum focuses on art history and specific artist's individual styles and techniques. The students are given the opportunity to imitate these styles, as well as employ their own form of artistic expression. This fosters the student's ability to appreciate and examine the world at large through artist's eyes.
In addition to the school's General Music Program, beginning in grade 3 a Band Program is available to children who desire to learn a musical instrument. They participate in school assemblies, as well as Christmas and Spring concerts.
Art Shows, science fairs, musical and theatrical productions and religious celebrations are other experiences that develop the whole child. We integrate religious and social values with our daily school activities. Social responsibility and respect for diversity among peoples are taught through community service and helping the less fortunate. Special programs and guest speakers address the social problems which challenge our children.
Technology -- St. Patrick School is committed to integrating technology within the classroom curriculum, providing students opportunities to utilize computer technology as a tool for research, writing and multimedia presentation. Each student attends computer classes throughout the year, taught by a full time professional teacher. The curriculum includes age appropriate lessons in keyboarding, word processing, presentations, and internet safety. Presently our school has PC workstations, laptops and iPads. Each classroom is equipped with an interactive whiteboard and computer. The school computer network allows for access to the internet through a filtering system.